lanolin / wool washing separator

The wool washing separator is the main equipment in the closed-loop system of wool washing wastewater, which is used to extract lanolin from wool washing wastewater and remove impurities and water in lanolin. It has high efficiency and good quality of fat output, which can effectively reduce the value of COD in wool washing water to meet the emission standards.

In addition, it is also suitable for the separation and clarification of similar materials with high content of heavy liquid phase in the mother liquor, and the separated heavy liquid phase or light liquid phase has high purity. The parts of the separator that contact with materials are all made of stainless steel materials, meeting the requirements of food hygiene. The design, manufacture and acceptance of the separator are strictly in accordance with the national standards GB10897 and GB10898. It also has CE certification and EAC certification.


  • Extraction of Wool Grease from Wool Washing Wastewater
  • Reduction of COD in Wool Washing Wate
  • Separation and Clarification of Similar Materials with High Heavy Liquid Phase Content

Why Choose Huading Wool Washing Separator?

Huading wool washing separators are the ideal choice for industries requiring efficient and reliable separation, due to their high performance in extracting wool grease, reducing COD, and separating similar materials. Their stainless steel construction ensures compliance with food hygiene standards.

Efficient Extraction of Wool Grease: Ensures high-quality wool grease extraction from wool washing wastewater.

Reduction of COD Value: Reduces the COD value in wool washing water to meet environmental standards.

Versatile Application: Suitable for separating and clarifying materials with high heavy liquid phase content, delivering high-purity results.

Strict Compliance with Standards: Design, manufacturing, and acceptance are strictly in accordance with national standards GB10897 and GB10898, with CE and EAC certifications.

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